The view from Griffith Observatory, Los Angeles

California Diary | Griffith Observatory

The view from Griffith Observatory, Los Angeles
white organza vintage style dress

Griffith Observatory, Los Angeles, California

Griffith Observatory, Los Angeles, California

The Hollywood sign from Griffith Observatory

The Hollywood sign from Griffith Observatory

on the stairs at Griffit Observatory

View of LA from Griffith ObservatoryI know, I know: too many photos, right?

I just can’t help it, though, because I know I’ve said every single place I’ve visited on this trip has been my “favourite”, but Griffith Observatory is my ACTUAL favourite. My favourite favourite.

Griffith was one of the first places we visited the last time we were in LA, and, for me, it sums up the city perfectly. As much as I love LA, there are lots of parts of the city which are pretty anonymous, really – they all have their moments, of course, but for the most part you could be Almost Anywhere, USA. At Griffith, though, there’s absolutely no doubting where you are: from the Hollywood sign on the hill behind you, to the city skyline down below, Griffith is so ‘LA’ it almost feels like being on a movie set. (Which is ALSO very LA, I guess…)

We’d already visited the observatory itself after our dinner at Madeo, so we didn’t go inside this time, but I really wanted to go up again, just to see it in the daylight. I first saw the observatory in Rebel Without a Cause, which is one of my favourite movies (I went through a stage in my teens where I was obsessed with James Dean), and I remember being totally blown away to sit in the same planetarium he did, and walk down the same steps. It’s just such an iconic building, and no matter how often I visit LA, I’ll always want to come back here, and take another thousand photos – or possibly more.

The dress I’m wearing in these photos is yet another item from that Choies parcel I carried home from the post office a few weeks ago. As soon as I saw it, I knew I wanted to wear it at Griffith: unfortunately, though, it turned out to be a little more see-through in the California sunshine than it had looked in my bedroom back home, so if you’re thinking these photos look glamorous, let me just tell you that my day started with a quick trip to Target to buy a sensible nude slip, which I struggled into in a filthy restroom, and spent the entire day tugging down from my thighs: such glamour! Much fashion! But at least no one shouted “YOUNG GIRL!” at me, so I’m calling it a win…
to the telescope

Looking out at the Hollywood sign from Griffith Observatory

P.S. I write a weekly diary which goes out every Friday to my subscribers. Sign up below to get on the list...

I also write books
  • You packed such a great selection of dresses for your Californian adventure, I love them all! I am sure I’ll be doing lots of photo heavy posts soon after my Spanish honeymoon, so many wonderful places we went to. How many kg was your luggage allowance?!

    P x

    September 24, 2015
  • Drooling over this dress. It is seriously perfection. Seriously. Wearing white anything is always such a risk – if you manage not to spill anything on yourself you feel so proud, only to later learn that it’s see through and you walked around in it allllll day. Slips are a total nightmare to wear!

    September 24, 2015
  • Helen


    Photos amazing as always…. I want to go to all the places you’ve visited! Looks like you’ve had a fantastic trip…. and of course, it’s magical when the sun is shining! Loved all the fashions too Amber…. you’ve kept me entertained! Now back to work for me! Love x

    September 24, 2015
  • There can never be too many photos of you, Amber! And these are stunning… I must say I especially love the one with you walking down the stairs and the last one looking at the Hollywood sign. Absolutely gorgeous!!! I’m so jealous… I want to be there 😉
    Suzy x

    September 24, 2015
  • I forgot to tell you that whenever I try to share your posts on twitter… I just get a blank page. Don’t know if it’s my problem or yours!
    Suzy xx

    September 24, 2015
  • This dress: gorgeous. Been there with tugging a slip… Why they always ride up is beyond me but the main reason I’m commenting is I TOO went through an epic James dean obsession in high school. Rental without a cause, east of Eden, giant… All watched over and over, all wept over because he died so young AND because he would never be my boyfriend.

    September 25, 2015
  • And by rental without a cause dear iPhone I meant rebel obvi.

    September 25, 2015