red Tibi skirt outfit

Highland Fling

red Tibi skirt with white shirt

Dunkeld House Hotel, Perthshire

inside Dunkeld House, Perthshire

retro inspired outfit featuring full red skirt and white knotted shirtThis past weekend, Terry and I were lucky enough to be the guests of Hilton Hotels, at their beautiful Dunkeld House, in Perthshire. Which, OK, isn’t quite the “Highland Fling” of my title, but meh, close enough.

Perthshire is an area we’ve visited a few times in the last couple of years, and it’s a particularly beautiful part of the country, which is only about a 90 minute drive from home, so we were more than happy to be able to see a little bit more of the area. We’ve previously visited Glamis Castle and Blair Castle, but we’d never been to Dunkeld, and we were both instantly charmed by it: it’s one of those picture perfect little villages, from which you could remove the cars and other modern touches and feel like you were on the set of a period drama or something.

I could say the same of Dunkeld House itself, actually. It’s one of those old country houses, set on its own rambling estate, and the giant stone archway you drive under to get to it provides a good clue as to what you’re in for, which is basically a Downton Abbey-meets-Monarch of the Glen” kind of experience. Awesome, right?

Unfortunately, our visit was a fleeting one, so we didn’t have time to check out the pool and spa (This was probably just as well, because Terry couldn’t find his swimming trunks before we left, and it wasn’t exactly a “swim in your underwear” kind of joint…), but we did take full advantage of the opportunity to just relax and switch our heads off for a while. Well, Terry did. My head is almost ALWAYS switched off, as you know, but the fact is, we’ve had a kind of rough start to the year, for one reason and another, and the past few weeks have been particularly stressful, so the chance to just relax and not worry about anything for a while couldn’t have come at a better time. It took me around an hour to get used to the fact that I was actually allowed to use the towels in the bathroom, and to ruffle up the bedsheets if I wanted to (I was joking about the “basket of kittens” thing in my last post – well, sort of – but our house is currently being kept in a constant state of readiness for viewers, which means our bathroom towels are of the “just for show” variety, and when we want to actually dry ourselves, we just use an old rag or something…) (I’m joking, we don’t use the bathroom at all, for fear of messing it up. And we sleep in the car now.), but after that it was all good.

As soon as we checked in, I unpacked my overnight bag, so I could find out which essential items I’d forgotten THIS TIME. There were three missing items on this trip, namely:

1. My toothbrush

2. Its close friend and partner, the toothpaste

3. That top that was a pivotal part of the outfit I’d planned for Sunday, and the absence of which is the reason you will only be subjected to three sets of outfit photos rather than four from this trip. Because yes, I managed to change three times in less than 24 hours. You didn’t really expect any less from me, did you?

Once I’d established what I’d forgotten I called down to reception. Hi!” I said, “It’s the over-dressed redhead who just checked in. You couldn’t send me up a couple of toothbrushes [Terry had forgotten his, too. We suck at packing, seriously.], some toothpaste, and also a black bardot style top, kinda 50s-inspired, would look great with a kicky little silk scarf? You know the kind of thing? Thanks!”

And you know, not five minutes later, someone was at the door with the two toothbrushes and toothpaste. They couldn’t help with the top, but that’s because I didn’t actually say that last bit, obviously. In fact, I didn’t say anything at all: I made Terry phone them instead. I don’t DO phones.

With that little bit of business out of the way, then, we were ready to start with the relaxin’. But that, my friends, is another story for another day, so you’re going to have to tune in later this week for the next thrilling instalment of What Amber Did That One Time She Went to Dunkeld. Assuming you can stand the suspense, obviously…

Terry at Dunkeld House

Forever Amber

Hilton Dunkeld House

Dunkeld House Hilton

P.S. If you CAN stand the suspense and stick with me through another couple of posts, I promise to make it worth your while, by giving away a £100 Hilton Hotels voucher on Friday. Deal?

[Disclosure: We stayed at Dunkeld House compliments of Hilton Hotels. All opinions and random acts of stupidity are my own.]

P.S. I write a weekly diary which goes out every Friday to my subscribers. Sign up below to get on the list...

I also write books
  • What a lovely weekend, I enjoyed seeing your pictures on Instagram. How nice of them to invite you to stay, lucky things 🙂

    April 23, 2013
  • We love Dunkeld and surrounding area. Have stayed at the Hilton a few times. Going again to Dunkeld this year but self catering in Birnam so we can take the dog! Enjoyed your post, always makes me laugh! And I remember doing the whole clean duvet in the cupboard used for house viewing only and not sleeping!

    April 23, 2013
  • Alison


    Love Dunkeld

    April 23, 2013
  • Love your classic driving car look. V chic indeed and can’t believe that scarf is Primark-could be Hermes! Jx

    April 23, 2013
  • Your traveling posts are some of my favorites! I love your area of the world, only wish I had more opportunity to see more of it. I will anxiously be awaiting the rest of the trip… 😉 PS – You are beautiful as always!

    April 23, 2013
  • When I perform there, I get a free stay – lovely. (The Landrover Experience is pretty good, too) I hope they had the big log fire burning!

    April 23, 2013
  • Fabulous post – your story, the setting and your outfit!
    I really love everything about it.

    Lady of Style
    now on Facebook

    April 23, 2013
  • We spent the weekend just outside Pitlochry so not far from you – sadly we were in a ‘cabin’ on a caravan site so not quite as glam as you!

    April 23, 2013
  • I love your full red skirt; is it multiple layers? It kind of looks that way in the first photo.

    April 23, 2013
  • I do look forward to your blog posts, you always look impeccable.

    April 23, 2013
  • That skirt is absolutely beautiful!

    April 24, 2013
  • Ahh I love this skirt, and I’ve been oh-so jealous about the Hilton trips everyone seems to be going on lately. I’d love a weekend away. Although I did get taken to the beach at the weekend, was all dressed up to the nines in an “Amber-style” dress and then it rained all day and I was forced to purchase a Sensible Coat 🙁

    April 24, 2013
  • Simply beautiful, Amber. The shoes are the perfect accent to your attire. Excellent, as always. And the delightful village life you describe, well, simple perfection. Which is what I’ve come to expect from you, truly!

    April 24, 2013
  • you look so pretty!!!
    I really love the skirt, princess-like!

    Très Jolie fashion blog
    follow Très Jolie via Bloglovin
    like Très Jolie on Facebook

    April 24, 2013
  • Amber,
    LOVE your outfit – you always look so beautiful. And Dunkeld House looks fabulous. Glad you and Terry were able to get away for some rest and relaxation. I cannot imagine the stress of having to keep the house perfect all the time for viewers!

    April 24, 2013
  • Amber I’m always so glad to hear your posts and know that I’m not the only woman in Scotland who would always prefer to be overdressed! We’re off to Balmoral tomorrow and I was planning on midi skirt and heels, but hubby doesn’t think that’ll be too practical – em, hello QUEENS have lived there – you can’t tell me they wear flats all the time?!

    May 1, 2013
  • gorgeous look. you’re beautiful!


    May 10, 2013
  • You look stunning in this. You go to cool places. You are funny…. you are like the best of blogging right here!

    May 22, 2013
  • Carolina


    Hi! I love your Tibi skirt! May I ask if it runs true to size? If I’m usually a size 4 (jeans 27), should I order a 4? I’ve heard it runs small. Tibi has so many nice skirts, I need to order myself one. Many thanks in advance! 🙂

    November 15, 2013
  • Carolina


    Thank you SO much for responding! That helps a lot! 🙂

    November 16, 2013
  • Sounds like a great trip, looking forward to reading you other posts!

    February 17, 2014