Scottish spring

Monarch of the Glen

Hunter boots and tweed jacket countryside outfit

Dunkeld, Scotland

Scottish spring outfit

lounging in the woods, Dunkeld, Scotland


Dunkeld, ScotlandLast time on “Amber Over-Dresses in a Slightly Different Location”, Terry and I had checked into Dunkeld House Hotel and were all ready to start relaxing. The hotel gives you lots of different ways in which to do this: there’s a pool and spa, there are bars and a restaurant, you can go quad biking or off-road driving… that kind of thing.

For us, though, the main attraction of a country house hotel is, well, the country, and Dunkeld House has a LOT of that to offer. The hotel sits on the banks of the River Tay, and is surrounded by the famous Birnam Wood, which Shakespeare aficionados will know from its role in MacBeth. The estate is spread over 280 acres, and we wanted to explore at least a little bit of it while we had the chance, so I did a quick change, and we headed out.

My best advice to anyone planning on visiting Scotland: assume that it will be cold and wet, and pack accordingly. And, you know, it might NOT be cold and wet. We have a saying here that if you don’t like the weather, you just need to wait 15 minutes and it’ll change, so you never know, it might even be warm and dry. Let’s face it, though: the most likely scenario is that it’ll be cold and wet, which is why I may have forgotten to pack my toothbrush, but I DID remember to throw my Hunter boots in the car before we left. It was a rare moment of sense for me, and I have to admit, I felt quite smug as we left the hotel and even more smug when we ended up walking much further than we’d anticipated, reaching the nearby village of Dunkeld, turning back towards the hotel when we realised neither of us had brought any cash with us, and then getting almost halfway back when Terry all of a sudden discovered that his wallet had been in his jacket pocket the whole time. D’oh!

We still had some time to kill before dinner, and we were both feeling hungry by that point, so we headed back to the village AGAIN and had some lunch in a little beer garden with a gorgeous view, which I obviously didn’t bother to photograph, because did I mention we were in a beer garden? (I actually had coffee rather than beer, but still…)

By the time we got back to the hotel we’d done a LOT of walking in those woods, but we’d still only managed to see a tiny part of the estate. What we did see, however, we really loved: the woods at Dunkeld are seriously scenic (we walked by the river most of the time, which was nice and relaxing), and also seriously old. You get a real sense of history walking underneath the branches of the ancient trees, and, the grounds of the hotel are dotted with lots of cool little touches, like the fairytale glade and face-like grotto in the photos above. It was definitely one of the nicest woodland walks we’ve done, and, as an added bonus, all that walking helped us work up a good appetite for dinner, too. Which, coincidentally, will be the subject of tomorrow’s post…


[Disclosure: We stayed at Dunkeld House compliments of Hilton Hotels. All opinions are my own.]

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  • It looks beautiful. I’ve just come back from a week in my parents caravan (which my dad tows down for me bless him, I have offered to do it myself but apparently my driving is atrocious!) in Clumber Park, Nottingham. A week in the middle of a beautiful forest, just me and the dog (ah the single life) walks and no signal let alone the internet. It’s my favourite place and no one else understands why 🙂 forests and lots of walking seems to baffle my friends.

    April 25, 2013
      • There’s a house in Clumber that I would to have, its actually the gatehouse of the old estate. I’m sure I’d be able to cope the huge amounts of traffic that go through everyday juts to live in the middle of Clumber 🙂
        Alas a serious lack of funds prohibits this dream, haha.

        April 25, 2013
  • A, that is by far your best look I reckon. Love the choccie Hunters with the hunting style jacket. Lovely. Are you going to the ECAFA show today? Jx

    April 25, 2013
  • Love that jacket, I did last time you wore it too. Sounds like a lovely hotel, will have to put it on my to do list.

    April 25, 2013
      • Lovely trees as well 🙂

        May 2, 2013
  • You look so elegant & classy in this outfit!! Love the blazer & of course the Hunter boots!

    Latest look:

    April 25, 2013
  • Lovely outfit! Every time I see pictures of so called ‘socialites’ galloping through their estates in atrocious outfits I wonder if they ever knew you can actually be comfy, warm, and stylish as anything. 🙂

    P.S. Thank you so much for including my post on the DP dress on Fashion Police! I was really proud and showed my boyfriend, who did what men do when confronted with pretty dresses and cautiously said ‘Well done, darling.’ 😛

    April 25, 2013
  • I have been to Dunkeld and seen the River Tay! We stayed in The Kinnaird House. It was amazing! I know the weather is chilly, but you live in a such a beautiful country. I am jealous.

    April 25, 2013
  • I LOVE this outfit. I was never sold on hunter boots, but this is the perfect place to wear them.

    April 25, 2013
  • Birnam Wood, huh? This Shakespeare aficionado asks if you visited Dunsinane as well?

    April 25, 2013
  • One of my favourite spots, that. Haven’t been there since, ooh, before I was a Dad! Should go back. Your photographs are fantastic – really brought it to life for me!

    April 25, 2013
  • Well thank you 😀

    April 25, 2013
  • You look every inch the lady of the manor. I love this sort of country look, and would definitely get excited by Birnam wood.

    April 25, 2013
  • I love that cute little tree table and chairs in the woods.

    April 25, 2013
  • WOW you look adorable wearing your Wellingtons sweetheart they are such a yummy colour.

    April 25, 2013
  • I love these photos, and you look perfectly dressed for the location.

    April 26, 2013
  • Yes, beautiful photos! I would love to just be an hour and a half away from somewhere like this, I would go all of the time.
    I have never been one to want to wear rain boots, but now that I need to, these Hunters are growing on me. They are so stylish for what they are. 🙂

    April 26, 2013
  • Super cute outfit Amber! I’ve been thinking of visiting Scotland for a long, long while. I was planning to do so this summer, but I don’t it will happen. Sucks, I really should feel embarrassed that, even though my family actually comes from Scotland, I still haven’t visited, shame on me 😉

    April 27, 2013
  • I read your blog everyday, or when there’s a new post i follow basically,lol. but this is my first comment, i must say i love this look. and the location, you made me want to live there.


    April 27, 2013