Cool GIrl Summer by Amber Eve

I wrote a book about Fairy Godmothers, teenage diaries, and Taylor Swift…

… well, sort of. I mean, it’s actually about a woman who runs away to Spain to find her teenage crush, but ends up sitting next to a grumpy (but handsome, natch…) stranger on the plane, and getting involved in a typically chaotic romcom with him. But the book was inspired by two of my blog ones (This one, about the Fairy Godmother, and this one about the teenage diaries…), and there are a lot of Taylor Swift references, so I reckon the title of this post still stands. 


Cool Girl Summer by Amber EveI told you a bit about Cool Girl Summer in the last post I wrote about it here, so, rather than me repeating myself, here are a few things other people have said about it, instead…
Praise for Cool Girl Summer by Amber EvePraise for Cool Girl Summer by Amber EvePraise for Cool Girl Summer by Amber EvePraise for Cool Girl Summer by Amber EvePraise for Cool Girl Summer by Amber EvePraise for Cool Girl Summer by Amber EvePraise for Cool Girl Summer by Amber EvePraise for Cool Girl Summer by Amber Eve

Cool Girl Summer is available now on Amazon: click here to buy the ebook or paperback, or read for free on Kindle Unlimited…

P.S. I write a weekly diary which goes out every Friday to my subscribers. Sign up below to get on the list...

I also write books
  • Jean


    I just read the book. In One day because I could not quid. It was so nice because I am a long time reader of the Blog and I often thought of posts you wrote which the Book reminded me of. Please continue to write, behaus I absolutely love what you do. On the Books and on the Blog.

    June 21, 2024