Bio-Extracts Skin Boost


Bio-Extracts skincare serum

This month I’ve embarked upon a new skincare regime – and it’s one that involves lots of pretty, colourful looking products, too, which… well, which doesn’t really make all that much difference to my skin, I guess (It doesn’t really care how the products I use on it come packaged…), but which definitely makes a lot of difference to my dressing table, which is half the battle, really.


Bio-Extracts is a range of vegan face cream, hydrating skin boosters and bio moisturisers designed to produce a bespoke system for your skin. The basic idea is one of that, as your skin isn’t exactly the same from one day to the next, why would you use exactly the same products on it, day after day? This is one of those so-simple-I’ve-no-idea-why-I-didn’t-think-of-it myself, ones: I mean, while I do switch up my skincare regularly, and rarely stick to one product for too long, once I’ve bought something, I’ll generally just keep using it until it’s done, regardless of any changes to my skin in the meantime. Which makes no sense, really, does it?

With this in mind, the Bio-Extracts solution is a two-step one: first of all you pick one (or more) of the vegan moisturisers, which functions as the base-layer for your routine. As my skin is boringly normal, I picked – yes, you guessed it – the “normal” version of this, but there’s also a “light” and a “rich” version, which will be suitable for different types of skin.

Here’s what the brand themselves have to say about the cream:

“BIO‐EXTRACTS Multi-Lamellar System® has a very distinct structural similarity to these natural layers in the skin and mimics the skin’s own lamellar structure. It is designed to act like a hydration “patch” on the skin, restoring its barrier function thus preventing trans-epidermal water-loss (TEWL), improving hydration and protecting the skin from external irritants.”

The cream can be used as a stand-alone product if you want: it’s a lovely, easily absorbed texture, which comes in a tub with a push-down dispenser, and has a subtle floral scent, which I really like. It works even better, however, when combined with one or more of the booster serums, which come in a syringe-like dispenser, and make me feel a bit like a mad scientist when I’m using them. (I mean that as a compliment, by the way: I mean, who doesn’t love a mad scientist?)


There are nine different boosters to choose from, and they’re all designed to address specific skin issues. I found it pretty hard to narrow my choice down to just four, but I managed to resist the impulse to just choose the prettiest colours (You can tell why I’m not a beauty blogger, huh?), and selected the ones I thought would best help my skin, namely:


Well, what can I say: I’m old, with big pores. *shrug*

The purpose of these four boosters is pretty self-exoplanatory, but, as I said, if you’re NOT old with large pores, there are plenty of others to choose from, to address your own specific skincare issues. The idea here is that you first of all dispense one pump of the moisturiser, then mix in up to four ‘booster’ shots, depending on how your skin looks and feels each day. So if, say, you wake up in the morning and find you’ve aged ten years overnight (Look, it happens, people. It happens.) you might want to focus mostly on the anti-wrinke and firming solutions, whereas if you were to wake up looking mighty fine, with just a few enlarged pores (This, er, doesn’t generally happen for me, but you might be luckier…), you could just go with the pore-minimising boost, and leave it at that.

So far, I’ve only been using these for a couple of weeks, but it’s been a really stressful month for me so far, and my skin has been showing the effects of that. I’m fairly lucky, in that I don’t tend to get break-outs, but my skin will quickly start to look a bit dull and tired (and people will start asking me if I’m sick, which is ALWAYS a welcome comment, isn’t it?) if I’ve not been looking after myself well, and that’s where I’ve been at lately. Within about a week of using these, however, I’d started to see an improvement: I still have larger pores and more wrinkles than I’d like, (I think the philosopher’s stone is the only cure for that last one, unfortunately…) but I’m no longer looking quite so much like death warmed-up, which is a good start, at least.

I’ll report back soon on how I get on with my routine: in the meantime, you can check out the Bio-Extracts website for yourself, and decide which of those pretty pastel serums you’d go for!

[This post is a collaboration with Bio-Extracts]

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  • I quite like the look and variety of this! I am embarrassed to admit it but packaging that looks good does influence my decision to buy! Glad to have heard of this brand since there are so many brands around doing such a great job with their stuff but its so difficult to find them. I have been making a list of brands to look out for a research. The light version sounds perfect for summer and the rich one for winter. I don’t usually change out my skincare eitehr but its so hot now half my face falls off so I have finally switched!

    June 23, 2017
  • D Ann


    Great post! Wish we could get in USA. Will keep a watch for it.

    June 23, 2017
  • Myra Boyle


    What a good idea and nice presentation

    June 23, 2017
  • I like the doing of these seeing as I’m an occasional vegan (but full-time vegetarian at least). I started using Body Shop products as a teenager and was a fan of their Aloe Vera moisturiser till the age of 40. And then they discontinued it. I was livid! Since then I don’t really buy their products, but am always on the lookout first decent alternatives.

    I’ve heard great things about serum, and now that I’m no longer a 40-something youngster I’d like to try it. Sadly all the ones I hear about don’t sound veggie-friendly, so if this is one I can try and makes me look 40 again I’ll be forever in your debt 😉 .

    Lovely photos by the way!

    June 25, 2017