Brabantia pedal bins

Style Your Trash

When we started our kitchen remodel, we knew we wanted everything in the new space to be both practical and stylish – and I do mean everything. Like, even the rubbish.

The problem with that, of course, is that trash is just not that sexy, really, is it? In our very first kitchen, for instance, our waste disposal “system” consisted of a plastic bag hung under the sink: there literally wasn’t enough room for anything else, so we’d use that for non-recyclables, and take everything else out to the recycling bin in the garden. (Don’t worry, it was a tiny kitchen, so it wasn’t exactly a long walk…) When we moved house, we “upgraded” to two grey plastic bins, which were stuffed into one of the cupboards. I quickly came to hate that cupboard – mostly because it almost immediately became a battleground over which Terry and I would fight near-daily duels.

See, Terry is somewhat obsessive about recycling: as in, if he visits someone’s home, and happens to see them throw away something that could be recycled, he will actually reach into the trash to pull it out again. I’m just this second starting to realise why no one’s invited us round for a while, actually. In our own home, he will meticulously divide everything he’s throwing out into two neat piles… and then he will ram them into those depressing grey bins, almost as if he’s playing some bizarre game of rubbish-based Tetris, where the aim is to fill every possible space with another item of trash.

I, meanwhile, am a neat freak. So, while I’m also keen on doing my bit to help the environment, every time I go to put something in the trash, and realise that it’s already so tightly packed with cardboard and plastic that you couldn’t get so much as a HAIR into it, I will break out into a cold sweat. OK, not really. Sort of, though.

The “bin cupboard”, then, as it was not-so-fondly known, has always been a source of marital strife for us, so when we remodelled the kitchen, we decided to just not have one. Instead, we have these:

Brabantia bins in pink and white

Brabantia pedal bins

Brabantia pedal bins in pink and white

trash in styleWhich just goes to show that trash CAN be stylish after all: WHO KNEW?

These are by Brabantia, and they got top marks from Terry, because, as well as being made from 40% high-grade recyclable materials, with 98% of both bin and packaging being recyclable after use, for every one sold, Brabantia also donates to The Ocean Cleanup, to help support their mission to rid the world’s oceans of plastic. We got two in the largest size (so I’m not constantly having to run outside to empty out Terry’s Tetris Trash), and we went for contrasting colours, partly because our theme for the new kitchen involves using a range of different “accent” colours, but also to help remind us which is which. (ONE of us isn’t very good at this. I will let you guess which one of us it is…)

They got top marks for me, meanwhile, because, well, they look cute. Which is honestly not something I’d expected from my rubbish bins. These, however, come in 16 different colours and finishes (Which, yes, made it pretty hard to choose which we’d go for…), and I like the fact that they have a really simple, modern design, which still manages to look a little bit retro, thanks to the colours. Oh, and they’re not actually going to be kept in the living room, by the way: it was just trickier than anticipated to get a photo of them in their actual home, which is right next to the back door:

Brabantia pedal binsAs you can see, the kitchen is now more or less finished: what you can’t see from these photos, however, is all of the remaining mess that’s just out of the frame in all of them, so the final reveal will have to wait until later in the week – fingers crossed!

[This post was sponsored by Brabantia]

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  • The kitchen is looking great! So light and bright. I can’t wait to see the finished article. The accent colours are so pretty too; my whole kitchen is in those ‘ice-cream’ shades.

    May 10, 2017
  • Izabel


    It’s a pity there’s about five lochs and half the country between us because I live with someone who desperately needs a recycling role model and Terry Tetris sounds just the chap. Congrats on the redecor, it’s looking lovely and bright, and definitely nice bins, I hadn’t realised at all that they came in anything except white, grey, and stainless steel.

    May 10, 2017
  • Can’t wait to see the completed look! 🙂 x

    May 10, 2017
  • Myra


    Looking forward to seeing the great reveal.

    May 10, 2017
  • Tell Terry HE AND I ARE RECYCLING SOULMATES. I thought I was the only one who reaches into other people’s bins in their houses and takes stuff home to recycle…!!!!!! I cannot BEAR to see recyclable goods going into the bin, our black rubbish bin bag that goes out to be collected (every two weeks) is barely half full, my goal is to get it to almost nothing. I also meticulously organise the recyclable plastics into size and stack them neatly together, sounds like more like the sort of thing you’d do Amber (hee hee)!

    Anyway, enough talk about my interesting life of recycling and rubbish(!) – your kitchen is looking quite stunning. And I clicked through to see all these coloured bins, just about to check them out now…!

    Catherine x

    May 10, 2017
  • Mana


    Maybe it’s because I’ve just woke up, but I’m dying to know which one is rubbish and which one is recycling and which one do you fill up faster? Because we recycle and our recycling bin always filled up way before our trash, until I learned to crush the plastics, but being in America there was still a surprising amount I couldn’t recycle like bottle lids, and anything that had cooked food on it, so paper plates when we used them couldn’t be recycled, and a lot more that they wouldn’t take.

    May 10, 2017
  • Rachael Dickinson


    Absolutely amazing design – I love the two different shades as well. We have a “window pile” for recycling and just pop them in the bin on a morning. The design of the kitchen looks amazing. I love the look of it – can’t wait to see the rest of them!

    Rachael xox

    May 10, 2017
  • D. Johnson


    Of course the trash & recycling bins should be part of the décor! I find there isn’t usually enough room under the sink, or in any other cupboard, and being in an enclosed space seems to make the odor worse. These are so sleek, and yet retro-great choice.
    By the way, I spotted something I really need, if it is what I think it is. Is that a lacy roller blind covering the sliding glass doors? We have a beautiful view that I do not want to give up entirely, but we need privacy and the floor is uneven. Is it a brand that is sold in the United States? I’m going to browse the local curtain shop to see if I can find something similar; thanks!

    May 10, 2017
  • Media


    I went to Brabantia’s website and funny how they have all these pictures with only women walking around the kitchen.

    May 11, 2017
  • Oh thank goodness, I thought it was just me living with a partner who is obsessive about recycling!! I don’t feel so alone now… Our recycling bin is a cardboard box under the sink that we proceed to both ram so full it’s impossible to remove it… it’s not ideal that both of the people in our home like to play trash tetris.

    May 11, 2017