trollbeads Halloween-themed bracelet

Pumpkin Carving & Trollbeads Winner

[This post is sponsored by Trollbeads]

First things first: the winner of the Trollbeads giveaway is…

Lalie! Who said…

That little guy is brilliant, mine will be called Gaston, because he’s spooky in a goofy kind of way.

So, firstly, GREAT name! I love it! And you’re right: he is SO a ‘Gaston’. Secondly, Lalie, Trollbeads will be in touch soon to arrange to get Gaston on his way to you: I hope you’ll be as happy together as I am with my little Jim!

Trollbeads Gloomy bracelet

Speaking of Jim (who’s MY Trollbeads bracelet, just in case you’re sitting there thinking, “Jim? I thought her husband was called Terry?”), remember those pumpkins I considered buying while out on a run a couple of weeks ago? Well, I DID go back for the pumpkins: or rather, Terry did, because I decided that running along carrying two pumpkins would be stupid even by my standards – and my standards ain’t that high, let me tell you.

The pumpkins then sat in the kitchen for a couple of weeks, while Terry came up with lots of creative ideas about how to decorate his, and I mostly just sat around remembering how very, very bad I am at anything that could be described as “crafting”, and wondering why on earth I do these things to myself. (Seriously, I HATE ‘crafting’. Any time someone suggests I make something by hand, I’m just like, “Why do you think we have shops?” Well, gotta support the local economy, amiright? I think I am.)

Anyway, we finally got around to carving the pumpkins this weekend. Because Terry is a classy kind of guy when it comes to pumpkin carving, he went for this understated little dotted design:

dotted design on carved pumpkin

Because I like things with faces, meanwhile, I decided to use my pumpkin to pay homage to Jim:

carved pumpkin with face

The resemblance is uncanny, isn’t it?

Trollbeads Halloween-themed bracelet

And now you know why I don’t have a “craft” section on the blog.

Of course, the real test of a pumpkin is how it looks when it’s lit up, so here you go:

pumpkin lanterns

This photo doesn’t do justice to Terry’s masterpiece, which casts really cool shadows on the wall, and reminds me a bit of Cinderella’s carriage. You’re just going to have to take my word for that, though, but trust me, it’s awesome.

circle design on pumpkin lantern

No, more awesome than it looks in this photo too, seriously.

Anyway, we had a lot of fun making them, which is the main thing: thanks again to Trollbeads for sponsoring these posts and providing Jim as inspiration!

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  • Laura


    What are you talking about, your pumpkin looks AWESOME! As does Terry’s, of course.

    October 25, 2015
  • Lalie


    Thank you thank you thank you! I can’t wait to meet Gaston officially!

    Your pumpkins are totally fab. I can’t be trusted with a knife, so I am not allowed near one, but I must find a helpful hand to create a suitable environment to help Gaston feel at home when he arrives.

    Have a lovely Halloween!

    October 25, 2015
    • Solbritt


      Hi Laila,

      Congratulations on winning the Halloween bracelet! 🙂

      Can you send me an email to so I can get your adress and get your prize on its way?

      Thank you!

      Kind regards,

      October 26, 2015
  • Terry’s pumpkin looks amazing, it’s so unusual! I like it a lot. Your pumpkin looks great too x

    October 26, 2015