silver oversized wristwatch

Watches for the Boys (and girls)

oversized silver watch

spring outfit with straw hat and silver watch

If you were paying very close attention to my last outfit post, you might have noticed my “new” silver watch…

…which isn’t actually either new or mine: it’s Terry’s watch, which I shamelessly purloined during our holiday, purely because, well, I thought it looked better with my outfit than the rose gold one I’d brought with me. Don’t feel too sorry for Terry, though: he’s currently wearing an old Michael Kors watch of mine, which he’d always coveted, and which was a little too large for me, so it all balanced out nicely! (Oh, and I did return his watch at the end of the day – I’m not that cruel!)

That’s the great thing about watches, though, isn’t it? I mean, I think ANY item of clothing or accessories can be unisex if the wearer wants it to be, but watches are particularly easy in that respect, and I love the fact that I can essentially double my watch-wardrobe (My watchdrobe? Can we make that a word?) by dipping into Terry’s collection every now and then!

The watch I’m wearing in the photo is by Kenneth Cole, but I’ve also picked out some of my favourite “mens” watches from my sponsors at The Watch Gallery – and I’ve put the word “mens” in inverted commas here, because I would totally wear all of these myself…

6 men's watches: wish list

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6

After wearing rose gold almost exclusively for the past few months, I’m now starting to ease back into an obsession with silver, which has a cleaner, more minimal feel to it, somehow. Don’t get me wrong, I still love the rose gold beauties I’ve been wearing for a while now (you’ll be seeing one of them in most of my upcoming outfit posts), but, well, it’s nice to have a few different colours to choose from, don’t you think? Men’s watches also tend to have a but less “bling” than women’s ones do (which also fits nicely with the simpler outfits I’ve been wearing recently too), but these styles are all ones that could be dressed up or down as required, and although the over-sized look has been popular for a while now, the first and last choices are a little more delicate, without looking fussy.

Now I think I need to go and see what else I can steal – I mean borrow – from Terry’s closet…

[This post is a collaboration with The Watch Gallery.]

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  • I steal my husbands plain h&m tees a lot. We’re the same size, and the v neck men’s tees are really good casual tees for only $5-$10. And since theyre all he wears, he has them in every color. (He doesn’t like branding on clothes, or decorations very much, and since he says inevitably he’ll ruin it, the h&m tees are the best fit for him)

    Fashion and Happy Things

    March 24, 2016