Window boxes in Spring

VIDEO | A trip to South Queensferry

Forth Rail Bridge, South Queensferry

The Furth of Forth, Scotland

The Forth Rail Bridge, Scotland

South Queensferry clock tower

Primark gingham skirt and denim jacket

Orocco Pier, South Queensferry, Scotland

window boxes in South Queensferry, Scotland

gimgham skirt and denim jacket

As I mentioned in this post, last week Terry and I took a drive out to the little town of South Queensferry, which is one of our favourite places for a wander. The main reason for our trip was to take a look at the progress of the new Forth Road Bridge which is currently being built there, and which was pretty cool to see in its partially finished state: seriously, if someone doesn’t use that thing as the location for some kind of thriller, I may have to do it myself. I mean, I can just see it – someone is chased out onto the bridge, running along the narrow walkway until they reach the sheer drop at the end… the rain beats down as their pursuer reaches them… there’s a short tussle, and then, OMG! Someone is hanging off the end of the bridge! COME ON, Hollywood – you know you want to!)

(This, incidentally, will be the third bridge across this part of the Firth of Forth, and there’s currently some debate over what it should be called. If they don’t go with “The Third Firth of Forth Bridge”, I will despair in humanity.)

Anyway, Hollywood may not want to make a film about the bridge, but Terry and I did decide to shoot a little video of our day out, which you can see below. Apologies again for showing you exactly the same outfit twice (the photos for both posts were taken on the same day, obviously, but I ended up with so many photos I decided to split them into two posts), but, you know, this time I have my hair up and I’m wearing a denim jacket over the top, so that’s TOTALLY different, no?

If you’re a newsletter subscriber you’ll already have seen this, but if you’re not, a) the sign-up box is in the sidebar, what are you waiting for? and b) here it is: enjoy, excuse my “feeling awkward because I’m being videoed” face, and don’t forget to subscribe to my You Tube channel when you’re done!

P.S. I write a weekly diary which goes out every Friday to my subscribers. Sign up below to get on the list...

I also write books
  • Peggy Lyu


    seriously: I want to move to Scotland!

    April 28, 2015
  • Myra


    Loved your little video, but seriously you have to do a post about your car. You’ve got a convertible!!! Is it an Audi TT (my fav) or what?

    April 28, 2015
    • Hi Myra!

      It’s an old SLK Mercedes 🙂

      April 28, 2015
  • Lovely views of our home town 🙂 Hope you had a great time

    April 28, 2015
  • Lovely views of our home town 🙂 Hope you had a great time

    April 28, 2015
  • Erin


    That video is giving me nervous flashbacks to the time my mom and I rented a car and drove around Ireland…on the wrong side of the road! Obviously, an American here. Beautiful day – love the building that looks like it’s made of legos!

    April 28, 2015
  • Your awkward video face is nowhere near as bad as mine – I can’t even smile when a camcorder is pointed at me!! I love the fact that Terry had to chase you to get that shot of you running ahead of him – I’ve GOT to make my boyfriend to that. He gets way too much entertainment out of my reluctance at being filmed, it’s totally my turn.

    April 28, 2015
  • I love your nice video! This place is very beautiful!
    Have a good evening!

    April 28, 2015
  • Beautiful outfit! It looks like you had a lovely time!
    Emily x

    April 28, 2015
  • Love the video. However, I must admit, When I first started watching it, I was horrified, because I thought,”OMG! Terry’s totally going to crash because he’s driving on the wrong side of the road!” Then I remembered that they drive on the left in Europe…-your loyal American reader 🙂

    April 28, 2015
  • I don’t believe you, I think you went to France and imposed the partly built bridge on to the video. It looks so gorgeous! I’ve only been up to Edinburgh way in winter (friend lives at the end of the Pentland Hills) so this looks like an entirely different country.
    Also, love Terry’s cheeky little grin at the camera half way through

    April 29, 2015
  • Jules


    Can’t beat Scotland in the sunshine (except maybe Ireland…but I am biased…)

    Love the video!

    April 29, 2015
  • When we were in Scotland we rented our first ever foreign car and drove around. It was awesome! I loved Scotland, and I loved your video.

    May 4, 2015